Arduino Project: Temperature and Humidity monitor Tutorial with DHT11 (or DHT22) sensor LCD shield.
Arduino Project: Temperature and Humidity monitor Tutorial using DHT11 (or DHT22) sensor and LCD shield.
In this video we are building a Temperature and humidity monitor, using an Arduino Mega, an LCD Display Shield with a DHT11 sensor. If you have a DHT22 sensor, the wiring is exactly the same.
What will you need:
1. An Arduino board (Mega, Uno, Due, Nano, Micro, etc. )
2. An LCD screen: (this is the one that I use because I had bought it long time ago)
or this one: (this is one is a lot cheaper)
3. The DHT11 sensor which can be bought from here:
Library for the DHT11 sensor:
Complete code of the project:"
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