Raspberry Pi Robotics #2: Zumo Robot

In this video I construct a Pololu Zumo robot chassis, interface it to a Raspberry Pi using an L298N H-bridge motor controller, and use Python code to bring the robot to life!

This video builds on my tutorial: "Raspberry Pi Robotics #1: GPIO Control" -- http://youtu.be/41IO4Qe5Jzw and also assumes some knowledge covered in my "Setting Up a Raspberry Pi" video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7Dj7R8bu4k

Note that this tutorial will work with both a Raspberry Pi Model B, as well as the newer Model B+.

You can find the wiring diagrams, as well as links for the components used in my Raspberry Pi robotics videos here: http://explainingcomputers.com/rasp_pi_robotics.html

PLEASE NOTE THAT right at the bottom of the above page you will find important information about whether or not you need to connect GPIO pin 2 (5V) on your Pi to the 5V terminal on the L298N. With my L298N board I did not need to do this. But this will not always be the case.

More videos on computing and related topics can be found on my YouTube channel at: http://www.youtube.com/explainingcomputers

You may also enjoy my other channel at: http://www.youtube.com/explainingthefuture"

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