Exploring Big Data in Microscopy

In this webinar we will explore big data in microscopy using three case studies from Neuroscience. Dr. Charles Gerfen will discuss his contributions to the GENSAT project ̶ a large, open access database of gene expression maps of the mouse nervous system. Next, Dr. Nate O’Connor, Product Manager at MBF Bioscience, will discuss a recent publication in Wiley’s Journal of Comparative Neurology which published an entire set of whole-slide images. How the images are organized, annotated, and web-published the images will be detailed. Finally, Dr. O’Connor will demonstrate a new automated software tool for creating high resolution three-dimensional brain reconstructions from whole-slide images of serial sections. Each case study uses Biolucida ̶ a web application for managing and sharing large image data. Throughout the webinar, challenges and strategies of using large-scale microscopic data will be examined."

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