13 Basic Arduino Projects!

Read description for times of the projects!

13 Fun Arduino Projects made with the Arduino Uno. I highly recommend building these projects if your new to Arduino, but you can still practice doing these types of projects if your experienced too!

Project Times:
0:14 - Spaceship Interface (Project 1)
0:45 - Love-O-Meter (Project 2)
1:18 - Color Mixing Lamp (Project 3)
1:50 - Mood Cue (Project 4)
3:11 - Light Theremin (Project 5)
4:11 - Keyboard Instrument (Project 6)
5:18 - Digital Hourglass (Project 7)
6:18 - Motorized Pinwheel (Project 8)
6:56 - Zoetrope (Project 9)
8:02 - Crystal Ball (Project 10)
10:11 - Knock Lock (Project 11)
11:08 - Touchy Feely Lamp (Project 12)
11:35 - Tweak the Arduino Logo (Project 13)

Rusko - Everyday (Netsky Remix VIP)

Music: http://www.audionautix.com
List of songs used(in order):
Funky Junky
Pop Tune
Skinny Leonard
Occupy the Dance Floor
Everyday (Netsky Remix VIP)

Social Media:
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107206436629392088753/107206436629392088753/about/p/pub?hl=en"

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